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Fix Auto Castro Valley
Call us
(510) 537-2529


VeriFacts Automotive is the industry's only independent onsite quality verification service and in-shop technician assessment provider. The company is an objective third-party committed to identifying and exposing excellence in collision repair.

Fix Auto Castro Valley’s partnership with VeriFacts is indicative of our commitment to quality. Not only do they support us in ensuring our repair techniques are up to current specifications, they help us remain ahead of the curve. The experts at VeriFacts perform unannounced audits of our repair equipment, processes and procedures, then document the results with a fact-based, objective scoring system. Their technical assistance allows our shops to differentiate themselves from the competition.

Want to learn more? Come in and learn how Fix Auto Castro Valley is third-party verified repair facility and ask to see exactly what this commitment looks like.

Click here to learn more about VeriFacts.

Fix Auto Castro Valley
3142 Castro Valley Blvd
Castro Valley, California
(510) 537-2529

Business Hours

Monday thru Friday: 7:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m.
Weekend: Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Closed Sunday

North America > 1-855-481-8379
UK > 08000 122 FIX
France > 0 825 800 150

Service 24/7
