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MONTREAL (CANADA), May 9 2019, From May 2-6 2019, Fix Network World celebrated its 2019 global conference at the Hard Rock Hotel Cancun with approximately 350 attendees from 14 countries (Canada, USA, UK, France, Turkey, China, Australia, Germany, South Africa, New Zealand, Spain, Ireland, Mexico, Czech Republic).

The event, for which the theme was The Power of One, was the first of its kind, in that it united delegates from across all three of Fix Network World’s aftermarket services brands: NOVUS Glass, Fix Auto and Speedy Auto Service. The theme was chosen specifically to recognize and celebrate not only the power and potential of each franchisee, but as a tribute to the strength of one network coming together.

The event kicked off with a welcome cocktail on May 2, then followed by a one and a half day business conference featuring corporate updates, franchisee and work provider panel discussions, keynotes from special guest speakers Mitch Lowe, co-founding Executive of Netflix and CEO of MoviePass, as well as Ted Graham, Head of Open Innovation at GM Canada and author of The Uber of Everything. Bringing together both business and leisure, the conference also featured social activities and networking opportunities, such as the Fix Network World Beach Party and organized group excursions. The event concluded with a gala evening and awards ceremony acknowledging the work of franchisees from all parts of the world.

Fix Network World President Steve Leal commented on the importance of uniting the networks and celebrating individual and collective accomplishments. He said: "Our global family of entrepreneurs is united by a passion for quality and success. Their appetite to adapt to change is what drives us at Fix Network World, and it is the very reason we put this event together, as a celebration and opportunity for continued growth."

Among guests were franchisees, staff, various industry specialists and VIP guests, as well as representatives from Fix Network World’s four global supply partners: 3M, AkzoNobel, Mirka and SATA. "This is a global family reunion unlike any we’ve organized before, rekindling and creating bonds and friendships that will last a lifetime", said David Lingham, Head of Business, Fix Network World.

“The Power of One refers to what we can achieve when our global network pulls together as one, and also highlights the ability for any single franchisee to have a major impact,” said Carl Brabander, Head of Global Franchise Development and Master of Ceremonies for the event. “The Power of One conference showcased both the individual successes and the momentum that we are building around the world as THE global aftermarket services network.” 

For over 26 years, Fix Auto has been bringing forward-thinking independent automotive aftermarket repair shop owners together. In 2015, we added mechanical and glass to our portfolio with one clear goal: to help customers drive forward with confidence. With more than 2,100 franchise, retail, repair, affiliate, distribution and manufacturing locations in over 40 countries worldwide, Fix Network World is the global aftermarket services network.

Stephanie Corrente
Communications and PR Manager
Fix Network World

The Power of One Highlight Reel Video


The Power of One Welcome Cocktail, May 2


Fix Network World President Steve Leal's Opening Address


Head of Global Franchise Development and Conference Master of Ceremonies Carl Brabander


Fix Network World Head of Business David Lingham sharing global views and industry trends


Keynote Speaker Mitch Lowe, co-founding Executive of Netflix and CEO of MoviePass


Cracking the Work Provider Code Panel: Roger Wright, Vector Squared, Andy Warren, Ticker Insurance, Sandeep Kar, Fleet Complete, Nick Spiers, Fix Network World


The Next Generation Panel: Jaren Koehn, NOVUS Glass Missoula, Lana Pagiamtzis, Fix Auto Mulgrave, Frank Liu, Fix Auto China, Maxime Castellon, Fix Auto Carrefour Laval


Keynote speaker Ted Graham, Head of Open Innovation, General Motors Canada & author of The Uber of Everything


Paving the Way Franchisee Panel: Matt Anderson, NOVUS Glass Spokane, Mo Givian, Fix Auto Luton, Kate Tapley, Fix Auto Stratford, Valérie Véronneau, Fix Auto, NOVUS Glass, Speedy Auto Service Sherbrooke-Est, Mi-Vallon, Coaticook


The Power of One Closing Gala, May 5


The Power of One: Fix Network World 2019 Global Conference